The Ohio State University issued the following announcement on Oct. 27.
Your 4-H/FFA organizational advisor should have received an email this afternoon from Missy with the lists for exhibitors to write and send thank you notes for the LIVESTOCK SALE! Please watch this video to help understand how to read the Exhibitor Livestock Sale Reports that you will be receiving from your advisor.
Here are a few details that were sent with your club/chapter lists:
Please find your club sale by exhibitor list.
**Let us know if there are errors, and we will let Jennifer know.
Add-on’s are still being received by mail. Jennifer will be sending us updated lists periodically and we will resend as needed.
*Thank you notes should be completed by the exhibitor for each of their buyers as soon as possible (preferably by November 11th this year considering the fact that you are receiving your list later than usual).
*Please do not hold on to thank you notes. Get them in the mail ASAP.
*Advisors are responsible for keeping track of their members’ thank you notes being done - so please communicate with your advisors. Advisors show documentation of this when they come to check pick-up day in December.
*If thank you notes are dropped off to the Extension Office (black drop box on the east side of the building with 4-H stickers on it) by October 30th, the 4-H Endowment Committee will help cover postage. We will not be tracking who is dropping off notes and what they are for, so please be sure to communicate with your 4-H Advisor if you are planning to do this so they can track on their own list.
Packers are listed on this report as well (i.e. Sliver Pond – Rabbit Packet, Muskingum Livestock – Goats/Sheep Packer, etc). If the full address is there, encourage members to send thank you notes to the packer as well. If the full address is not there, let us know and we will try to get that for you.
Sale Check Pick-up Day is tentatively planned for Saturday, December 5th from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. FOR ADVISORS. ADVISORS PICKUP ALL CHECKS ON BEHALF OF THE CLUB/CHAPTER. This is a tentative date as we need to be sure funds are received from buyers to cover all checks before the treasurer runs the checks. We will confirm this date the week after Thanksgiving if all is in order to keep the date or postpone. This is not a change, just want you to be aware of our typical timeline for planning for Check Day!
Sale Thank You Placards – will be distributed to Buyers as soon as we have them sorted. Please note that there will be one placard per exhibitor (not one per buyer) distributed.
Champion Buyers – Sale Thank You Placards and the 8x10 photos of the exhibitor with their buyer will be available for pick-up at the Extension Office on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. by appointment starting next week. We will reach out directly to those exhibitors next week about making arrangements.
Original source can be found here.
Source: The Ohio State University