Long Beach has launched an onsite program, Tree Yourself, designed to help residents pick the right tree for their property. | Pixabay
Long Beach has launched an onsite program, Tree Yourself, designed to help residents pick the right tree for their property. | Pixabay
The Village of Baltimore Tree Commission along with the Baltimore Downtown Restoration (BDRC) group invites you to join us for our yearly Arbor Day celebration.
This year it will be held at Johnson Park by the pool.
The celebration will begin at 3:00 PM with Welcome remarks by Amy DiFrischia, Chairperson of the Tree Commission and Steve Cothrel, Director of the BDRC followed by the Mayor reading his Arbor Day Proclamation.
The tree planting ceremony will be lead by Beneath the Sycamore families & Baltimore Scouts. Each person in attendance will receive a free tree (while supply lasts).
The trees we are planting this year are being donated by Beneath the Sycmore Learning Collaborative and Joe Machado from BDRC.
Refreshments will be served courtesy of the BDRC. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this event and also to the Tree Commission who led the initative each year to make sure the Village achieves Tree City USA status.
The Village first became a Tree City USA participant in 2011 so this year marks 11 continuous years the Village has achieved the Tree City USA designation.
Thank you to the Tree Committee and BDRC for all their many hours of volunteer work to the Village.
Original source can be found here.